Our lives take on new meaning when seen in the light of God’s bigger picture. In this retreat we take an in depth look at the life of Miriam, Moses’ sister, and discover how God used this woman to bring about his will. It is a weekend of reflection – refocusing your heart by exploring God’s presence in the events of your life.
Working through some personal writing exercises, everyone is encouraged to look at their lives and identify God’s work through the events and situations they have faced.
An important aspect of this retreat is a presentation on the art of Iconography. Highlighted is the significance Icons have offered in conveying the sacred stories of Saints. Participants are given the opportunity to create their own icon.
During this retreat a silent activity is presented that deals with Spiritual Gifts. A group time follows later in the evening, allowing participants to talk with others who share the same gifting.
The retreat concludes with an informal time of commissioning in which the participants are sent into the world, to utilize their God given gifts, and to redeem their Sacred Story.