Begin Here

Hello! If you’re here then I’m guessing you are:

Weary of struggling to do your best everyday;

Worried about people you love, or situations you cannot control;

Restless in reconciling what you know about God and the reality of your life;

… and you still wonder if there is a way to find peace in the chaos of a busy, digital world.

The good news is, there is a way! I know, because I have found it!

It has taken me some time, and great effort to cultivate an inner calm amid great trials and confusing events. I’d love to help you find that inner calm too. Preferably with less struggle than I’ve experienced.


Well, my blog is a good place to start. It’s a repository of my trials, experiences, and tools to finding real peace. There I share strategies I’ve found over the years to bring me to a place of calm, no matter what is going on around me. I have found a PEACE that isn’t a mere façade, but a true, inner calm that has engulfed me as I have worked through disappointments, challenges, and the inconsistencies of a modern life.

What I have learned has allowed me to move me along on my path, processing and moving forward. But I must tell you this path cannot be traveled on without surrender, right? I mean, as hard as we try, life doesn’t always turn out as we hope it will. On this page, I share some of the resources I have found.

Peace is the answer, not the peace that is the absence of strife, but true peace that is internal. The peace of Shalom, that says, “I am confident that, with God’s help, I will be okay, no matter what happens to me, or around me.” Peace that passes understanding. If you’re curious about what I mean visit my PAX FAQ.

What else? 

Spiritual Director

Well, first and foremost I am a Spiritual Director. I am available to journey with you as you progress on in life. A Spiritual Director is part Therapist, part Life Coach, and part Pastor. If you’re interested in more information about Spiritual Direction you can visit here.


I began my journey speaking about Spiritual things a long time ago. Some of my favorite topics to speak about are Spiritual Growth, Slowing Down, and Benedictine Spirituality. Here is the place to learn more about my speaking. 

Retreat Leader

I have had the privilege of leading hundreds of people through a multitude of retreat experiences. I can craft a retreat for your group. Read more about my experience here.


Finding Peace is something I’ve committed my life to. Here are some of my thoughts about peace.

Finding Peace in a Dead-End Job

Making Time for Peace

Finding Peace in Broken and Violent World

I Think on Spiritual Things … a lot

I like to encourage people think on Spiritual things too. Here are a few of my best thoughts on Spiritual stuff:

Stop Dismissing Your Struggles

In Spiritual Growth, I is for IMAGINATION

Threadbare Words – HOPE

Oh, and you might be interested in my Spiritual Exercises. Just like anything in life, if you want to get better, you’ve got to exercise! Spiritual Growth is no different. Check these out! 

Finally …

If you’re interested in more information on me and my story, give these a try:

Confessions of a Benedictine Oblate

The Five Worst-Best Things Since I Turned 50

God Talks to Me – Weird, I Know

You can also find out more here. You know, family, history, education, affiliations … etc. 

And wow, if you’ve gotten all the way down to the bottom of this page, all I can say is “Well, done … and thank you.”

So, what do you think? 

Does this sound good to you? Join me as I continue to seek peace. Follow me on Facebook, and join my email list. What do you have to lose? Just your weariness, worries, and restlessness.