Weekend Retreats can be crafted around any feast day or theme. Below are a few retreats ideas that might foster an idea. Contact me if you’ve got a group and you would like to offer them a retreat weekend.
Sacred Stories
Our lives take on new meaning when seen in the light of God’s bigger picture. In this retreat we examine “our story” in the light of “His story” using Miriam as our guide.
Lenten Retreat on Prayer
This silent retreat is complemented by assigned reading in the spiritual classic “Beginning to Pray” by Anthony Bloom.
Passiontide Retreat
Designed to be conducted the weekend before Holy Week, this retreat begins with a traditional Seder Dinner, highlighting the Christian symbols that permeate this Jewish holiday.
Holy Conversations
A deeply contemplative and personal retreat, this time of intentional reflection allows the Holy Spirit to minister to each participant as He sees best.
Anglican Women
Anglican women have made significant contributions throughout history. This retreat takes an in depth look at the lives and ministries of three Anglican Women.