I would like to invite you to a QuietDay of Reflection that I’m going to be leading at St. Andrew’s Abbey in Valyermo, California. St. Andrew’s Abbey is located in the high desert in California; it is nestled in the beautiful San Gabriel mountain range. The retreat will be held the first Saturday in Lent. Now this year that comes a little bit early. Ash Wednesday is the tenth of February. The retreat, then, will be February 13th. We will begin at 9:30 am and conclude at 3:30 pm.
While we’re together we will be spending time reflecting on the faith of the Canaanite woman. Remember that story? At first glance, Christ appears to be a little bit rude to this woman who’s in such great torment. Her daughter is troubled by a demon and suffering greatly. It’s a very relatable story; we all have people in our lives who are suffering. We all want to seek some way to help them—to relieve their suffering, and at times it can be a very desperate and lonely place. This woman sets a great example for us in her persistence, devotion, and humility because as she’s not a Jew, she’s rejected by these men who are following Christ.
I hope you’ll join me. Register, and maybe get a group together and come up for the day; it’s a beautiful place and it will be a peaceful time. Email me if you have any questions at lisa@dailypax.com.
Keep seeking peace; it’s there to be found.
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