“Lisa is not one to give advice for advice sake, instead she understands the role of the spiritual director is mainly to listen and to allow room for the Holy Spirit to do the real work. Lisa asks good questions designed to help the directee discover what God wants that individual to see about themself. She has a pastoral gift to impart wisdom and practices when necessary, facilitating the directee to follow the path of spiritual maturity at their own pace.” – High school teacher from central Orange County, California.
“Lisa has the ability to listen both to her directee and to God. My own experience under her spiritual direction has been that I feel safe, seen, and heard, and that she is able to discern what I need to hear. The things she encourages me to think and pray about lead me into rich contemplation and fruitfulness in my life and ministry.” – Professional artist from Brea, California.
“It is such a privilege to have Lisa as my teacher and mentor. She is an engaging speaker and a compassionate counselor. Lisa has the unique ability to bring together diverse groups through creative activities and humor. She creates genuine community, and makes each of us feel welcomed and loved just as we are. Her faith is truly inspiring, and with teaching, shepherding, and administrative gifts, Lisa is a dynamic and discerning leader.” – Financial Analyst from Dana Point, California.
“Lisa is wise, trustworthy, and caring. She’s a passionate and gifted leader, skilled at organizing and inspiring others. She makes and incredible colleague and an invaluable friend.” – Nonprofit CEO from Fullerton, California.
“I have known Lisa personally for the last five years. I can attest to her pastoral skills, her spiritual and psychological sensitivity to others, her ability to lead others in their own spiritual development and to accompany them through life transitions. She is spiritually mature, a good communicator, a good discerner of the movements of the Holy Spirit in the lives of people.” – Rev. Francis Benedict, Abbot Emeritus, Saint Andrew’s Abbey, Valyermo, California.
“To say that Lisa Marion is qualified misses a great deal of the picture of who she is and why her pastoral work is so magnificent. We sometimes fall into the lazy habit of using language like “naturally talented” or “called” or “gifted” as a way of dismissing the excellence someone demonstrates merely as the product of forces outside of her control. To be sure, Lisa is gifted, talented, and called to do pastoral work. She possesses many natural abilities that one must have if one is going to be effective as a counselor or spiritual director. But pastoral work is a practice not unlike medicine or law. One must work arduously, consistently, and patiently over a period of time to hone the art of shepherding souls. This is Lisa: someone who placed herself in submission to God and stayed there for a long time learning at the feet of the Master and dedicating herself to the hard work of pastoral proficiency. -English professor and department head from Costa Mesa, California.